Welcome to Papua New Guinea Lottery!

Papua New Guinea Lottery welcomes all kind of people to come and play! Guaranteed winners everyday with different prizes from 5 Cash Prize and 10 Consolation Prizes giving you better chances of winning!

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Winning Results

# Prize Type Prize Value Result
1 First $10,000 987557
2 Second $6,000 650626
3 Third $3,000 736493
4 Starter Prize $2,000 631657 718925 513279
034097 760319 673839
511413 965392 295605
5 Consolation Prize $500 371303 371754 616857
153683 812473 910151
498574 045621 436805
# Prize Type Prize Value Result
1 First $10,000 879329
2 Second $6,000 243347
3 Third $3,000 835925
4 Starter Prize $2,000 820697 049585 463305
320765 448041 634603
407365 902243 876842
5 Consolation Prize $500 397202 376737 088814
404638 016790 930750
097671 389161 602075
# Prize Type Prize Value Result
1 First $10,000 523796
2 Second $6,000 001770
3 Third $3,000 560249
4 Starter Prize $2,000 850049 454731 884264
864041 098122 108203
158521 710136 623027
5 Consolation Prize $500 227049 359170 496248
429433 195408 231945
981998 048673 415469
# Prize Type Prize Value Result
1 First $10,000 394035
2 Second $6,000 108479
3 Third $3,000 982452
4 Starter Prize $2,000 008551 425332 661164
685423 411666 977723
975419 776982 451904
5 Consolation Prize $500 245402 109871 169710
698287 522622 046697
907895 012983 042871
# Prize Type Prize Value Result
1 First $10,000 825624
2 Second $6,000 680928
3 Third $3,000 433658
4 Starter Prize $2,000 939020 636318 890462
820813 666032 926828
991532 422469 751843
5 Consolation Prize $500 210813 105798 598742
094341 217301 722714
025605 554439 638172

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